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2 hours ago
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6 Easy Steps to Up Your Contour Game and Master It
It’s never too late to get that glamorous, Hollywood-style contour. You just need some imaginatio...

The Kardashians' Secret to Chiseled Cheekbones: Fillers and Contouring
The Kardashians have the contouring game on lock. They contour, highlight, and fill their cheeks with a slew of different contours to get that chiseled cheekbone look. In this blog post we will show you how to do it like Khloe Kardashian.

How to contour your face in 5 Simple Steps
Contouring is an art form that uses different shades to give the illusion of having more defined facial features. Some people think it looks like someone drawing pretty patterns on your face, but in reality its not about using concealers- contour artists can do anything they want with shadows and light!